Pray Together Now:
How to Find or Form a Prayer Group

by Rev. Cay-Randall-May, Ph.D.

foreword by Larry Dossey, M.D.

to be published by Element Books, Inc. in Fall, 1999!

Look for this valuable prayer resource in major bookstores in the USA, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. Over 90 prayer groups from various denominations and faiths are included in an annotated listing, also many websites which include group prayer are listed. This book takes a closer look at our world's awakening to group prayer and answers the following questions:

Why pray with others in a group?

How can I find a prayer group to attend or pray for me?

What draws us to a particular group and why do we stay?

How can I recognize the group that is right for me?

What benefits can I expect from group prayer?

How does group prayer help in times of crisis, grief, and personal loss?

Why are people so willing to lead a prayer group, why so happy?

How can I start a prayer group?

How are modern prayer groups organized and maintained?

What is the history of group prayer in America?

What are some modern day prayer events?

What is the impact of electronic media on group prayer?

You can now listen to Cay on the radio, and meet her in person.
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